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A key/legend to the map can be found
Thanks to
Theo Jansen for the inspiration on this map
A key/legend to the map can be found
Atlas Elyden #26 - Andiluth & Trakia |
so much a nation, but a loose collection of people between other
nations, Andiluth is a relatively recent land, having been submerged
beneath the Sea of Byssos until around 1,000 years ago and exposed only
through the waning of Elyden’s waters.
The region is
dominated by the once-coastal shelf of the Sea of Byssos and the marine
fossils and calcified coral forests that pepper the otherwise
featureless flat expanse.
The people of Andiluth are
descended from the coastal nomads that once roamed the foothills of the
Cammorean mountains. As the diminishing sea exposed more of the
Andiluthan shelf, they slowly moved north and eventually came to settle
natural harbours that dominated the exposed coastline, becoming
fishermen. Over the decades this way of life was destroyed by
increasingly unpredictable weather that brought terrible winter storms
miles inland, across the flat Andiluthan shelf. All but the most
cosseted settlements were devastated by these storms. Even those cities
that were well-protected would become uninhabitable in the storm season,
forcing the people south for half the year. This lead to the appearance
of the city of Cardamathia - the only major settlement in the entirety
of Andiluth. It swells in winter as people travel there for shelter,
bringing cured fish and other food with them.
many Andiluthans cling to the nomadic lifestyle of their ancestors,
constructing light shorewalkers - wind-powered machines that travel west
and east along the shore - through which they can comb the coastline
for debris washed ashore. This life is difficult and these itinerants
need to contend with the giant crabs that haunt the region as well as
each other.
nation in northern Sammaea south of the Tarahid Annexes. It is largely
empty, dominated by badlands and scattered atramental wastes. Its people
are remnants of a divided race that has, over time, died out or become
absorbed by the Parthisan empire to the north (the people of the Tarahid
Annexes to the north are their closest relatives).
are a hardy people, used to harsh weather and little help from the
outside world. They work diligently against Atramental corruption,
especially cyclocephaly, which is an unfortunately common ailment in the
region, afflicting humans as well as the scattered oghur population
alike. This atramental disorder afflicts life in the womb, causing
newborns to have one eye and distended heads. Manby are newborn, and
most of the rest remain weak and debilitated throughout their short
lives. Interestingly those born with cyclocephaly are more likely to
have an affinity for the Atramenta. Those who are capable are taken
(usually more than willingly) from their struggling parents and sent to
the university in Deacania, where they study the way of the Atramenta to
strengthen them and fight against its spread.
of few non-human nations in Elyden, Khalhat is a lhaus enclave, a
remnant of a far larger nation dating back to the Fourth Age that
dwindled as the great empires of that age crumbled. They are largely
insular, knowing how dangerous and unpredictable humans can be, and are
relatively content with their small scrap of land in Sammaea.
Khalhati lhaus are experts in the field of cloning and, like their
demiurge father, are obsessed with eternal life. Due to this they have
perfected a method of cloning known as clada, where the soul of a dead
lhaus is transferred to an artificially-crafted body, allowing continued
life. This can be done indefinitely, though each such transference
strips away part of the soul’s individuality, eventually leaving it as
an automaton.
Only the
richest and most powerful lhaus can afford this treatment, though they
can live for thousands of years as a result, leaving the rest of the
populace to dream or work for their betters in the flesh-crafting
is a small independant nation centred around the powerful city-state of
Roa, locataed in northern Sammaea. It is ruled by a council of five Numenin – otherworldly beings that have shaped the course of the city’s fate since its founding in 1624 RM, following its emergence from Khalhat to
the north years earlier. The city has its own governing body, which
only seeks the counsel of the numenin in times of uncertainty, though
their wisdom is often conflicting.
Edit: for anyone asking about it:
FATUGHMA WEGH: a gigantic glassy-blue monolith in the plains of Laular in Trakia, N Sammaea.
The tower is around 1100-ft. high and stands on an elevation of 130-ft.
and can be seen as far away as 53-miles. Within this radius travellers
are known to spontaneously develop headaches, nosebleeds and other
phenomena that worsen the closer one gets to the monolith. This
supranatural phenomenon has prevented exploration of the immediate area
around the edifice, preventing more examination of its properties.
Little is known about its origins, though it is believed to date back at least the Second Age, though there are little indications as to its origins, though many scholars have put forth an unknown Demiurge as the architect.